Your Green Blis  
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    Your Local Green Cleaning Service
Green Bliss is dedicated to providing a stress-free cleaning experience for you. We believe there are several basics to a stress-free cleaning service. Along with using all natural cleaning products, we also use stress-free pricing so you will never get unexpected fees. We are the eco-friendly alternative to a traditional maid service.
GreenBliss Commercial & Residential Cleaning
GreenBliss Licensed & Insured
GreenBliss Valued, Trustworthy Cleaning Teams
GreenBliss Stress-Free Pricing
GreenBliss Your Green Bliss

Green Cleaning

GreenBliss We Stay Until the Job is Done!
Green Bliss believes in quality cleaning. We are environmentally responsible, using green certified natural products. We stay until the job is done, leaving your home sparkling clean. The price you are quoted is the price you will pay no extra charges or surprise fees. Our stress-free pricing and responsible cleaning will leave you and your family in Green Bliss.
GreenBliss Our Elite Cleaning Teams!
Green Bliss team members are trained with our professional cleaning standards, ensuring the job will get done quickly and efficiently. We believe in matching you with a team that you can be comfortable with. We respect your privacy and understand the need for trust and security. Our elite teams are carefully selected for their outstanding performance and personality, enjoying their work because they are professionally trained and valued for their dedication. 
GreenBliss Stress-Free Pricing
We offer a variety of cleaning services for home and commercial properties.
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Green Bliss
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Your Green Bliss
Service Area:

Salt Lake City   
Summit County   
Davis County   
Utah County   

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Your Green Bliss




Because we care about you & your enviroment,
We use all natural green seal certified cleaning products.
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